Culture and History in Luleå

World Heritage Gammelstad Church Town is the largest and best preserved example in Sweden of an old church town that has roots in the Middle Ages. The stone church dates from the 1400’s and the many surrounding cottages have a long tradition that still lives today. These historical sites will give you an insight into the rich and interesting history that exists in this northern city.
Gammelstad Church Town was included in UNESCO's World Heritage List in 1996, and is thereby covered by "The Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage". The objects on the World Heritage List all bear unique testimony to the history of the world and mankind. They are invaluable to humanity and must be preserved for posterity. The list contains abuot 750 cultural and natural environments of which the Great Wall of China, the Great Barrier Reef of Australia and Sveaborg outside Helsinki are among the better known. As well as Gammelstad Church Town, Norrbotten also has the World Heritage Laponia, which is the largest area of wilderness in Europe.
Gammelstad is an outstanding example of a Northern Scandinavian church town. More than 400 cottages, which were used on Sundays and during major religious festivals, markets and local courts, are grouped around the late medieval stone church in Gammelstad. The cottages served as overnight stop for parishioners who lived too far away to make the journey to the church and back in one day. The City of Luleå was founded around the old church in the 17th century. Today Gammelstad consists of a unique assortment of church cottages, year-round dwellings and public buildings. The church cottages are still used in a traditional way.
Guided Tour of Gammelstad Church Town
Gammelstad Visitor Centre
Gammelstad Visitor Centre

are one of the indigenous people of northern Europe, inhabiting Sapmi, which today encompasses parts of northern Sweden, Norway, Finland and Russia. Their way of life is unique and fascinating and we can more of the culture of these peoples by visiting a rein deer herding family at a variety of locations and by visiting the Ajtte museum in Jokkmokk. The latter is a world class facility showing the life of the Sami peoples over thousands of years to the present day. There are also a variety of products that enable you to visit a Sami family and learn a little of their culture.
Sami Reindeer Sled Experience
Brändön Lodge
At Brändön Lodge you will meet local Sami who will give us an insight into their culture and way of life. We walk in to the reindeer enclosure and they will explain about the life of the reindeer, the eight seasons and how they work with the reindeer and nature in each of these. We then ready sleds behind the reindeer and start the sled ride towards the Sami tent in the middle of the forest. The sled ride is a slow journey that is similar to the traditional “Ren-rajd”. It is the way the Sami people since way back in time have travelled between their settlements. On arrival to the tent we then sit down around the fire for a cup of tea and take in the atmosphere of the tent and continue the discussions.
Lunch is cooked over the fire and you will enjoy the fresh traditional food, sitting on reindeer skins on the ground.
Sami Reindeer Sled Experience
Brändön Lodge
Brändön Lodge